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Nest Feathers is all about helping you let go of your clutter

This is NOT a how-to about organizing, it's a how-to about removing items from your Nest. 

  • identify why you have clutter
  • the emotions behind it that trap you
  • help you see the right truth so that you can let go, get unstuck
  • ways to actually discard these items
  • create new rhythms so you are not Clutter Stuck in the future

Hi, I am Diane Berkers. I have walked a personal journey with my mountain of possessions.  I had no idea I had an issue…. until I HAD an issue in my marriage. (listen here)

Struggling with my volume of stuff, I chose to go to the deep-heart places of WHY I had so many possessions. Why I bought them, why I kept them and why I didn’t let go when I needed to.

I started PLUCKING FEATHERS to make my nest a more joyful place to be.

Nest Feathers, was launched in 2010 as a decorating business in Stratford, Ontario.  Over time, my journey attracted clients like myself and I began expanding my services and working side by side with women, helping them to let go so we could fulfill the décor dream they wanted.

My life and relationships have forever changed. And I want to be a part of your freedom in learning to live a clutter liberated life.

I know you have reasons behind all the possessions you have.
There is the easy stuff you haven’t bothered with and the hard heart stuff that blocks you from beginning at all.

Nest Feathers is a safe place to look deeply, learn, let go and create new rhythms to live in freedom. 💗

Get Hope | Experience more Joy
Find Freedom to pursue the next Adventure

Here is the latest from the Podcast ~ Joy In The Nest

It can be intimidating talking to someone about your stuff, your home.  It is an intimate space and reveals a lot about you. 

My home is where I live, where I wash the dirty laundry and dishes, navigate the joys and sorrows of family life, entertain friends (sometimes hold a workshop or two), clean up cat barf, run a business out of and make memories in.

I’ve walked the Clutter Liberation Journey and I am well equipped to walk with you through yours.

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