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Journal Notes from Me to You Level 0 When You are a Clutter Procrastinator

Level 0 When You are a Clutter Procrastinator


Hey dear friend,

I know your heart's desire to live in a clean, clutter-free home, each item in its place and your schedule free of "declutter & organize" appointments.

Step 1 Let's not put this on the calendar and then avoid it.  DO IT NOW or do it before your coffee on Saturday.

Step 2 Pick 1 room that is NOT your most stressful cluttered room

Step 3 Grab a garbage bag and start on 1 wall and then make your way around the room, covering ground once.

You are looking for GARBAGE items only

GROUND LEVEL: Just Toss or Recycle items

These items DO NOT cause you angst or any decision-making as of yet.
You are looking for your ABSOLUTES:

broken items
miscellaneous bits
stuff that you easily don't want
stuff you can't donate
(think stuff you shove in a junk drawer, just because.....)

Recycle what you can but for all purposes that is considered garbage in this step

  • Open every drawer and cupboard
  • Look on the walls and your flat surfaces

Please DO NOT empty out the drawers and cupboards
 you are NOT on an organizing trip,

you have coffee ☕  brewing and other things to get to in a few moments.

You do not want to see all this stuff pulled out and get overwhelmed
because now it's a heartstring-filled minefield of an organizing project! 

  • Only move stuff around to get to the back of places so you do not miss any GARBAGE.

Let me pause here and talk truth about a common dilemma -

"I don't want to add to our landfills, this is still useful but it's not worth donating...."

  1.  Your house is not an alternate landfill.  You are paying to LIVE there, not to be the keeper of a more aesthetically pleasing dump.
  2. Go into any store, any charity shop -- look around.  All, ALL! of these items will end up in a garbage pit, either by you or someone else -- it is only a matter of time.  
  3. If you don't chuck it in your lifetime and reap the benefits then your children or someone else will when you are gone.

Bottom line: Having this stuff does not align with your goals of having a clutter-free house, so deep breath -- chuck away.  You can't change what you purchased and kept in the past but you can make different choices going forward.

Ok, now go enjoy that coffee!

Like "treasure" hunts, join the 777 Clutter Hunt where you easily find and relieve yourself of 49 items each month - 588 items a year!

Next in this series:  Level 1 - Decluttering For the Faint of Heart

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Welcome to Nest Feathers. 

I value all things HOME and at the heart of it, I value peace and good flow. Room to be, and room to grow.  That means we have to continually let go of stuff that we've collected and used in due time.  I help you get over the hurdles where you are stuck, with encouragement, wisdom, insight, and action.

I'm your Declutter Coach,
Diane Berkers

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